Do not believe the hype

Hello, y’all. It is time for a refresher course in COVID 101 to show the connection to what is happening in this country today. When you turn the television on what you see is inflation out of control, gas prices off the chain, food prices high, and a multitude of chatter from the right-wing pundits blaming the current President, Joe Biden. The previous administration in 2020 was slow to respond and failed to acknowledge the severity of COVID. Schools, Restaurants, Gyms, Hospitals, places of business, and Governmental Agencies among many others were forced to shut down. This was done to prevent the spread of COVID which caused innumerable deaths. So many were dying that bodies were stacked in freezer trucks and crematories and funeral homes were overwhelmed.

All of the aforementioned is what brought us to where we are today in this country. We are now two years into this trauma and the right-wing pundits continue to malign Biden. Shame on them. Again, Biden is not the problem. The pandemic caused supply chain issues, depression, housing issues, food supply issues, clothing supply issues, and employment issues among many others. When Biden took the realms the COVID tailspin was in full swing.

I implore you to not believe the hype coming from the right. Believe the hype and you may end up in a country with an Autocratic government with no freedoms. Is this what you want? Here in the U.S., we need to stay strong, cancel out the propaganda, stay resilient, continue to stand up for our freedoms, and know that this too shall pass. God bless you and may God continue to bless America.

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Marvin Dixon/Founder

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