

I was just recently exposed to a new definition of poor. It was described as “passed over opportunities repeatedly.” It made me think about many things involving missed opportunities. First of all, in life we have to slow down. Sometimes when opportunities come we are so busy we do not notice them even if they are right in front of our face. Many missed opportunities are self-inflicted as fear of success can keep us from moving forward. There again the way this American system is designed it intentionally excludes groups of people from pathways to success. With that being said we must always “be ready.” We must prepare ourselves so that when success comes knocking on the door we can answer the door with confidence, self-assurance, and readiness. We must prepare ourselves through education, training, exposure to diverse cultures, travel, reading and an openness to exploring new adventures. We must have an open mind and be ready to meet the challenges that new opportunities bring. We must possess the mindset that enables us to envision success as a part of our future. If you can believe it you can achieve it. Do not let future opportunities pass you by. In the words of the Roman philosopher, Seneca “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” Do what is needed to prepare yourself. Start with hard work and big dreams.

Marvin Dixon, Founder

Published by mdixonvmg

A licensed Private investigator who aim to inspire, inform, encourage and empower with our blogs.

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