A Boss vs. A Leader

Rosa Parks gives a speech at the Poor Peoples March in 1968

A Leader vs A Boss

It’s important for future bosses to understand that if they want to get the best production from team members, being a leader produces ultimate results.

While researching this topic the following definition was found…….The difference between a boss and a leader can be confusing. However, a boss only manages employees. A leader, on the other hand, is there to inspire them, to innovate, to motivate, and to help employees reach their potential.

Some of you reading this narrative probably worked with both (boss & leaders), I certainly have. The bosses that I’ve worked with in the past seem to impose their authority over you. Bosses dominate, they (bosses) often do more than tell you what to do, they tell you how to do things and who to talk to about it.

Leaders on the other-hand, focus on people, leaders have a vision, they show you how things are done, and they collaborate.Leaders are people that inspire, to motivate, and to help employees reach their potential.

If a business wants to maximize its growth, production, and profits then companies should retrain managers in being leaders rather than bosses. Leaders get better results from team members….. BE A LEADER!!!

Marvin Dixon/Founder


Published by mdixonvmg

A licensed Private investigator who aim to inspire, inform, encourage and empower with our blogs.

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