It’s Time

“ It’s Time

It’s time for parents to be more engaging with their children. Have family dinners, talk about the ups and downs of life. Explore new things together, culture art centers, hiking, history museums are just a few things that parents can do with their kids.

It’s time that young women to understand that the sperm donor of their kid or children  , will not be the parent that he should be. Caring for the child will be your sole responsibility, and that puts you (mother) as well as the child at a disadvantage. 

It’s time for the communities around the country to get more involved and help eradicate the violence that’s occurring. Let’s stop that old adage that it has nothing to do with me.What happens in our communities has something to do with all of us.

It’s time for a parent or parents to begin being a parent. It’s time for young-mothers to understand that they must put their child in the best possible position to be successful. It’s time for all of us if we care to take a more involved role in regaining our communities and stop the violence that is happening daily……  I’m willing to do my part to help rebuild my community.

Marvin Dixon/Founder

Published by mdixonvmg

A licensed Private investigator who aim to inspire, inform, encourage and empower with our blogs.

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