Health is Wealth

Health is Wealth

Every day when we awake we are given a gift. It is called the present. When we wake up and have our sound mind, good health, and strength these are awesome things. Our country though highly civilized still pushes unhealthy foods and lifestyles to which many of us succumb. While at the gym today as I struggled to do squats holding a very heavy weight I heard the trainer say, “ do the squat or take medication.” Most people take the easy way out and take the medication. The problem with not exercising and choosing to take the medication is that with the medication comes side effects, many of which are not good. Treasure your good health. Without it you have nothing. Take care of your body. Watch the food you put in it. Food is indeed medicine. Line up at the gym or at the pharmacy. Live a life of superior quality or be prepared to carry numerous medications around with you. Minimize stress and the people you associate yourself with. Stress causes both mental and physical ailments. Your health is a grand gift. Take care of it. For after all “health is wealth.”

Marvin Dixon, Founder

Published by mdixonvmg

A licensed Private investigator who aim to inspire, inform, encourage and empower with our blogs.

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