Dear Young Mother’s

Dear Young Mother’s

Parenthood is and should be the happiest moment for new parents.  Becoming a parent means  tremendous responsibility, and sacrifice as well as a support system.

Unfortunately for most young mother’s, the care for their child or children will surely have to be handled by the mother. Through the years, I’ve witnessed young women become mothers at a very early age only to be betrayed by a forsaken father.

When a child is born into this world, it’s the duty of the parents to place that child in a posture for success but when a young mother with only a high school education and very limited skills is left alone to rear a child it becomes overwhelming. It’s heartbreaking to see the despair that these mother’s and children endure in their struggles to survive

It’s my wish that young women in America understand that having children at young ages puts them and their children in a very difficult situation, and that their child’s father will not remain in their lives , and offer no help in the care of their kid or kids. Very few young mother’s will have the support systems it takes to properly care for children, and for those young women thinking about motherhood, please give becoming a parent serious thought…..your kid or kids deserve the best chance for success.

Marvin Dixon/Founder

Published by mdixonvmg

A licensed Private investigator who aim to inspire, inform, encourage and empower with our blogs.

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