Dear Young Mother’s

Dear Young Mother’s Parenthood is and should be the happiest moment for new parents.  Becoming a parent means  tremendous responsibility, and sacrifice as well as a support system. Unfortunately for most young mother’s, the care for their child or children will surely have to be handled by the mother. Through the years, I’ve witnessed youngContinue reading “Dear Young Mother’s”

Customer Service

Customer Service Offering amazing customer service is important if a company or small business wants to retain customers, and grow their businesses. Just recently me and other members of our family decided to go on vacation. Our flight was to Orlando Florida, and a one night stay in Orlando before heading to Cape Canaveral toContinue reading “Customer Service”

A Boss vs. A Leader

A Leader vs A Boss It’s important for future bosses to understand that if they want to get the best production from team members, being a leader produces ultimate results. While researching this topic the following definition was found…….The difference between a boss and a leader can be confusing. However, a boss only manages employees.Continue reading “A Boss vs. A Leader”

Myth of The Strong Black Woman

The Myth of The Strong Black Woman There is a saying that I hear a lot describing the Black woman. She is described as “strong.” She has weathered many storms from the time she was forcefully taken from the Motherland to the time she set foot on American soil. She was abused by the masterContinue reading “Myth of The Strong Black Woman”

Community vs. Neighborhood

Community vs. Neighborhood A community is a collection of individuals who share similar cultural values and traditions and act upon those values in such a way that the collective good of all is influenced. By contrast, a neighborhood is an area that can be defined on a city map. This lecture is directed to peopleContinue reading “Community vs. Neighborhood”